As I grew in the field  of bodywork I began to see the real need to educate my clients. I wanted them to learn more about their health and build a better relationship with their body. Lucky for me I landed in the Morales Method® as a Pain Specialist and became one of its first Structural Integration Practitioners. 

Now, combining movement education and manual therapy allows me to do transformative work. Guiding my clients from dysfunctional patterns to a new range of movement that brings support, stability and more ease to their body. I’ve helped hundreds of people get out of; pain, injury and unnecessary surgical procedures. 

My belief is when we learn to listen to our body and manage our own health a world of possibilities opens. With the right information anyone can get started. That’s why I created The Passionate Health Advocate Show podcast.  It's a fun and informative exploration into our health and wellbeing. I’m also the co-creator of  HUP, the  Healthcare Ultra-preneur Project, designed to help wellness professionals run a successful business.