Bottom of Normal



Join Denise DeShetler and Alice Shikina on this episode of Health Success Story. Alice is a 50-year-old mediator and California resident who has been diagnosed with Leaky Gut Syndrome, causing her to steadily gain weight since her mid-40s. From Western doctors telling her that she’s at the “bottom” of the normal range to eventually finding out about her food sensitivity, Alice shares her long journey before finally making progress with losing her weight.


Here’s what to expect in this episode:

  • Western medicine told her that she was still in the normal range. Bottom of normal, but still within the range

  • Eventually hiring a naturopath doctor who determined that she had Leaky Gut Syndrome

  • Completely switching to a plant-based diet and intermittent fasting lifestyle

  • The importance of mentally preparing yourself to let go of your old diet and lifestyle

  • Advice to listeners who are on a similar path to wellness

  • And many more!