About Dr. Scott Hoar:
As a lifelong athlete I've always been fascinated with the physical nature of our bodies and what can be done to improve and preserve them. After an injury while playing baseball in college, I was treated by a chiropractor and that inspired me down the path I've taken. My practice exists to improve people's lifelong health and wellness.
Redheaded Stepchild
Join Denise DeShetler and Dr. Scott Hoar as they explore the land of chiropractic care! Scott is the founder of Mobility 4 Life, a company that helps you get out of pain and improve your overall physical health! If you’re dealing with “genetic” and “permanent” injuries, this one’s for you, so stay tuned!
Here’s what to expect in the episode:
What is chiropractic care to begin with?
Is it all about the nerves, or the spine?
The similarities between a chiropractor and a dentist.
The misconception with “permanent” injuries.
Lifestyle choices versus genetics.
Dr. Scott’s unique approach to chiropractic care.
And much more!