About Dr. Mac Nwosu:
Mac Nwosu has a Doctorate Degree in Physical Therapy and specializes in women's prenatal and postpartum health. He is the founder of Genesis Physio and Wellness located in Houston Texas. Dr. Mac also has a background in Sports and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
Motion Is Lotion
Join Denise DeShetler as she takes us to the Land of Physical Therapy. There we meet our guide, Physical Therapy expert,Dr. Mac Nwosu. Dr. Mac shares a no nonsense approach and amped enthusiasm when it comes to helping us understand our role as a patient.
Join Denise DeShetler and Dr. Mac Nwosu as they discuss Physical Therapy treatments and the role of a patient. How does one set themself up for recovery success in this health field? Listen to this practical and uplifting conversation amongst two practitioners who are passionate about their patients and want to let everyone know movement is key for functional health.
In this episode, you'll learn:
How to find the right Physical Therapist for you.
What's the best thing you can do during your treatments.
You still have choices even when your doctor prescribes PT.
You can get Physical Therapy treatments without a prescription. Most people don't know that.
And much more!