About Me
Most people know me as a joke cracking, dance hopping, globe trotting, nature loving chica. My childlike imagination runs as deep as my passion for enhancing our quality of life.
I have a background in Therapeutic Recreation and Accessible Travel for people with disabilities. When I returned back to the US I felt compelled to turn my life-long hobby of massage into a career. In 2009, I started my bodywork practice in San Francisco.. Though I truly enjoyed helping people feel better, I also saw the real need to educate my clients. This drove me to become one of the first Morales Method® Structural Integration Practitioners. I then combined manual therapy and movement education to do transformative work, After 15 years of service with private practice, I’m delighted to say I helped hundreds of people get out of; pain, injury and unnecessary surgical procedures.
I also became the creator and host of The Passionate Health Advocate Show podcast. Its a fun exploration into different health disciplines where I’m joined with other experts to share advice and resources for better healing. More recent projects include the SLEEP SERIES and the Power Under Pressure program. Inspired by my Underwater Rugby playing and Free-dive training experiences.
It’s my firm belief that when we learn to listen to our body and manage our own health a world of possibilities opens.
Morales Method® Academy of Structural Integration Practitioner (MMASI)
Morales Method® Move In Mind™ Level I & II, Montreal Canada
Swedish Massage Program, San Francisco School of Massage
Bodywork Therapist Program, San Francisco School of Massage
Advanced Massage & Bodywork Trainings, San Francisco School of Massage & McKinnon Body Therapy Center
Teacher Assistant, Marty Morales, Founder of the Morales Method®
Teacher Assistant, Art Riggs, Author of Deep Tissue and Myofascial Release
My Background & Education
B.Ed in Therapeutic Recreation, University of Toledo, Toledo Ohio
M.A. in Tourism Management, International Management Institute, Brussels Belgium
Community Dancer for Axis Dance Company
Sea Kayak Guide for Environmental Traveling Companions
Special Olympics Coach for Northern California
1996 Summer Paralympics